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Day 2 - June 08

10:45 AM PDT
1:45 PM EDT

Accelerating information extraction with data-centric iteration

John Semerdjian

John Semerdjian

Tech Lead Manager -- Applied Machine Learning
Snorkel AI

Vincent Chen

Director of Product / Founding Engineer
Snorkel AI

During this session, we’ll discuss practical workflows for building enterprise information extraction applications. We’ll start with an end-to-end deep dive into “sequence tagging” tasks in Snorkel Flow, where we’ll highlight how teams of data scientists and subject matter experts can rapidly build powerful, zero-to-one models. In doing so, we’ll cover the key annotation, error analysis, and model-guided iteration capabilities that have helped our customers unblock models that power high-value use cases in production. Finally, we’ll discuss exciting opportunities for even further acceleration of these workflows in an FM-first world.


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