Chris Booth

Chris Booth

Jeanette Price

About ​​Chris Booth is a product owner for machine learning and innovation for NatWest Groups’ artificially intelligent agent: Cora. His core focus is observing emerging technologies, creating a roadmap of experiments to bring into production and delivering value to the group.

Daniel Lieb

Daniel Lieb

John Marini

About Daniel Lieb, Ph.D. is a Senior Director of Data Science at Ally Financial, leading the AI Model Risk Practice. He has extensive experience in ML, having led teams in financial services for 16 years. Dan has a Ph.D. in Econometric Marketing from Duke and a Master’s in Operations Research from Stanford.

Daniel Wu

Daniel Wu

Jeanette Price

About Daniel Wu is the Head of Commercial Banking AI and Machine Learning at JPMorgan Chase where he drives financial service transformation through AI innovation. With a passion about the democratization of technology, he is also a frequent speaker at industry conferences. Daniel holds a computer science degree from Stanford University.

Davide Gerbaudo

Davide Gerbaudo

John Marini

About Davide is a senior data scientist at Caterpillar, focusing on aftermarket analytics. At Caterpillar, he sifts through data to understand how heavy equipment is being repaired. Before joining Caterpillar, he worked for a decade on particle-physics experiments, mainly looking for the Higgs boson.

Debabrata Dash

John Marini

About Debabrata Dash (Dash) is a Distinguished Data Scientist at Arista Networks. Before Arista, he co-founded Awake Security – a network detection and response company. Dash works on ingesting, analyzing, and interactively exploring vast network data on minimal hardware footprints. Before co-founding Awake, he led the engineering team at CipherCloud and was a distinguished technologist in Hewlett-Packard’s enterprise security division. …

Demetrios Brinkmann

Jeanette Price

About Demetrios Brinkmann is the founder of the MLOps Community. Brinkmann fell into the Machine Learning Operations world, and since, has interviewed the leading names around MLOps, Data Science, and Machine Learning. When he is not conducting interviews you can find him making stone stackings with his daughter in the woods or playing the ukulele by the campfire.

Devang Sachdev

Devang Sachdev

John Marini

About Devang Sachdev is Vice President of Marketing at Snorkel AI, leading product marketing, growth, brand, and developer network. Before Snorkel AI, Devang led marketing for emerging products and partners at Twilio. Originally a developer, Devang has previously led product, marketing, and engineering teams at NVIDIA focused on HPC and AI.

DJ Patil

DJ Patil

Jeanette Price

About DJ Patil Bio DJ Patil is an entrepreneur, investor, scientist, and leader in public policy. He has held seniorroles in industry, academia, and government and his work has been featured in two MichaelLewis books (The Fifth Risk and Premonition). As a General Partner at GreatPoint Ventureshe focuses on building companies in healthcare, enterprise technologies, and nationalsecurity. Notable early stage investments …

Ed Shee

Ed Shee

John Marini

About Ed comes from a cloud computing background and is a strong believer in making deployments as easy as possible for developers. With an education in computational modeling and an enthusiasm for machine learning, Ed has blended his work in ML and cloud native computing together to cement himself firmly in the emerging field of MLOps. Organiser of Tech Ethics …